(michael van den besselaar, shit for brains )

Peter van den besselaar

publications by subject

The more recent publications (since 2007) can be found on the other page, including the links to the full text version (as PDF). For full text versions of older publications, please contact me at peterATvandenbesselaarDOTnet.


Science studies, scholarly communication, scientometrics, science policy, organization of research  


•       Peter van den Besselaar, Gaston Heimeriks, Mapping research topics using word-reference co-occurrences: a method and an exploratory case study Scientometrics 68 (2006) pp.377-393

•       Andrea Scharnhorst, Peter van den Besselaar, Paul Wouters, Special issue of Cybermetrics on web-indicators, Cybermetrics 10 (2006) 1, 125p  (http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics)

•       Andrea Scharnhorst, Peter van den Besselaar, Paul Wouters, What does the Web represent? From virtual ethnography to web indicators, Cybermetrics 10 (2006) 1, pp.4-7 (http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics/"articles/v10i1p0.html)

•       Gaston Heimeriks & Peter van den Besselaar, Hyperlink networks and hyperlink analysis. Cybermetrics 10 (2006) 1, pp 8-26 (http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics/"articles/v10i1p1.html)

•       Elefteria Vaseiliadou, Peter van den Bessselaar, Linking shallow, linking deep. Cybermetrics 10 (2006) 1, pp.61-74 (http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics/"articles/v10i1p5.html)

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Hybrid systems - some comments, Cybermetrics 10 (2006) 1 pp.123-125. (http://www.cindoc.csic.es/cybermetrics/"forum/v10i1p5.html)

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Science System Assessment – onderzoeksprogramma. Den Haag: Rathenau Instituut, 2006, 72p.

•       Gaston Heimeriks, Peter van den Besselaar, Mapping research topics through words-references co-occurrences. In: P. Ingwertsen, B. Larsen (eds), Scientometrics & Informetrics 2005. ISSI-2005 proceedings. Karolinska University Press, Stockholm 2005. pp 575-584.

•       Gaston Heimeriks, Marianne Hφrlesberger, Peter van den Besselaar, Mapping communication and collaboration in heterogeneous research networks. Scientometrics 58 (2003) pp 391-413.

•       Loet Leydesdorff and Peter van den Besselaar, La scientometria e la teoria della comunicazione: verso indicatori basati su informazioni teoriche, in: Riccardo Viale and Andrea Cerroni (Eds.), Valutare la Scienza. Soveria Manneli: Rubbetino, pp 309-330.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, rhetorical statistics – a rejoinder. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54 (2003) 1077.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Empirical evidence for self-organization? Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54 (2003) 87-90.

•       Gaston Heimeriks & Peter van den Besselaar, The European Triple Helix; mapping research topics and their geographical distribution in the European STI-system. Proc 4th Triple Helix Conference Copenhagen, November 2002. CD-Rom

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, The cognitive and the social structure of Science and Technology Studies. Scientometrics 51 (2001) pp. 441-460.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Gaston Heimeriks, Disciplinary, Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary: Concepts and Indicators. In M. Davis & C.S. Wilson (eds), Proceedings 8th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics – ISSI 2001. Sydney: UNSW 2001. 705-716

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Communication between science and technology studies journals: A case study in differentiation and integration in scientific fields. Scientometrics 47 (2000) pp. 169-193.

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter van den Besselaar, Scientometrics and communication theory: towards theoretically informed indicators, Scientometrics 38 (1997), 155-174.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Loet Leydesdorff, Mapping change in scientific specialties; a scientometric case study of the development of artificial intelligence. Journal of the American Society of Information Science 47 (1996) 5.

•       Loet Leydesdorff, Susan Cozzens, & Peter van den Besselaar, Tracking areas of strategic importance by using scientometric journal mappings. Research Policy 23 (1994) pp 217-229.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Loet  Leydesdorff, Research performance in AI and Robotics, an international comparison. AI-Communications 6 (1993) 2. pp 83-91.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Loet  Leydesdorff, Artificial Intelligence as a research tradition. In: M.C. Angelides, J. Siever (eds) Proc. of the AI-stream of the 35th Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society. York, 14-16 sept. 1993. Birmngham: ORS, 1993. pp 57-87. (ISBN 0-903-44008-3)

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Loet  Leydesdorff, De Nederlandse bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van Artificiλle Intelligentie. Informatie en informatiebeleid 10 (1992) 3, pp 54-61.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Loet  Leydesdorff, Signalering van structurele veranderingen in een communicatienetwerk. In: N.J.I Mars (eds), Informatiewetenschap 1992. Den Haag: Stinfon, 1992. pp 63-76.




E-social science


•       Peter van den Besselaar, ICT, e-science en de maatschappijwetenschappen – e-social science. In: Elly Dijk, Peter Doorn & Gaspard de Jong, Toverwoord Informatie. Amsterdam: NIWI-KNAW, 2005. pp 165-190.




Theory and models of scientific and technological development


•       Peter van den Besselaar, De dynamiek van technologische ontwikkeling en innovatie. In: R. Weehuizen, Toekomst@werk.nl Reflecties op Economie, Technologie en Arbeid. Den Haag, Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek, 2000. pp 188-201

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter van den Besselaar, Technological change and factor substitution in a non-linear model. Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems 21 (1998/2000) 2, p. 172-92.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Loet  Leydesdorff, Factorsubstitutie en technologische ontwikkeling in een evolutionair model. Tijdschrift voor informatica en modelbouw 2 (1993) 1. pp. 5-17.

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter Van den Besselaar, (eds.), Evolutionary economics and chaos theory: New directions in technology studies. London: Frances Pinter Publishers, 1994. xiii + 215 pp.

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter van den Besselaar, Competing technologies, Lock-ins and Lock-outs. In D. Dubois (ed.) Computing Anticipative Systems. New York: National Academy of Physics, 1998. Pp 309-323

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter van den Besselaar, Competing Technologies: Disturbance, Selection, and the Possibilities of Lock-In. In: G.E. Lasker, D. Dubois, & B. Teiling, Advances in Modeling of Anticipative Systems. Windsor: IIAS, 1998. pp 68-72.

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter van den Besselaar, Competing Technologies: Disturbance, Selection, and the Possibilities of Lock-In. Also published in: G.E. Lasker, Advances in Support Systems Research, Vol. III: Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Information Systems. Windsor: IIAS, 1998. pp 54-58

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter van den Besselaar, Competing technologies: disturbance, selection, and the possibilities of Lock-In. In: D. Dubois, Proceedings of the first Conference on Computing Anticipative Systems. Liege, 1997. Pp 60-64.



Technology policy and user participation


•       Anne-Marie Oostveen & Peter van den Besselaar, User involvement in large-scale e-Government projects: Finding an effective combination of strategies and methods. In: Asbjψrn Fψlstad, John Krogstie, Reinhard Oppermann, Dag Svanζs, User Involvement in e-Government development projects (Interact05 workshop). SINTEF report, Oslo, 2005. ISBN 82-14-03807-3, pp 11-18.

•       Adrian Bond, Andrew Clement, Fiorella de Cindio, Doug Schuler, Peter van den Besselaar, Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices, vol. 2 (short papers) Palo Alto: CPSR, 2004, pp i-viii, 1-218.

•       Andrew Clement, Fiorella de Cindio, Anne-Marie Oostveen, Doug Schuler, Peter van den Besselaar (eds.), Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices. New York: ACM Press 2004, pp i-viii, 1-250.

•       Anne-Marie Oostveen, Peter van den Besselaar, From small scale to large scale participatory design: a case study of participatory design in e-government systems. Peter van den Besselaar, Anne-Marie Oostveen (eds.), Artful Integration: Interweaving Media, Materials and Practices. New York: ACM Press 2004, 173-182.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Technology & democracy, the limits to steering; In Rebecca Henderson Chatfield, Sarah Kuhn, Michael Muller (eds.), Broadening Participation - 5th PDC. Seattle: CPSR, 1998, p. 1-10.

•       Andrew Clement & Peter Van den Besselaar, Participative design projects, a retrospective view. Communications of the ACM 36 (1993) 6 (June) pp 29-37.

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter Van den Besselaar, Squeezed between capital and technology, on the participation of labor in the knowledge society. Acta sociologica 30 (1987) pp. 339-353.

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter Van den Besselaar, What we learned from the Amsterdam Science shop. In: S. Blume, J. Bunders, L. Leydesdorff, R. Whitley (eds), The social direction of the public sciences - sociology of the sciences yearbook XI. Dordrecht: Reidel. pp. 135-160.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Loet Leydesdorff, Grenzen aan invloed; werknemers en besluitvorming over technologie. Tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken 3 (1987) 3. pp. 35-49.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Loet Leydesdorff, Buiten spel; werknemers en de integratie van wetenschap en technologie in de samenleving. Tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken 1 (1985) 1. p65-78

•       Andrew Clement & Peter Van den Besselaar, Participatory design project: a retrospective view. In: Proceedings of the participatory design conference 1992. Palo Alto: CPSR, pp 81-90.

•       Loet Leydesdorff & Peter Van den Besselaar, Technik, Naturwissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Wechselwirkung 11 (1989) nr 40. pp.11-14.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Pauly Ossenblok, Werknemersplannen en technologische ontwikkelingen. Wetenschap en Samenleving 1984-5. p6-13.



Community media and technology


•       Peter van den Besselaar, Dennis Beckers, The life and death of the great Amsterdam digital city. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3081 (2005) pp 66-95

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Jennifer Preece, Carla de Cindio, Giorgio de Michelis (eds.), Communities and Technologies 2005 (Vol. 2). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005, xvi + 462 pp. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005

•       Peter van den Besselaar and Satoshi Koizumi (eds.), Digital Cities 3, Information technologies for social capital. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag 2005. pp 1-450 (LNCS 3081)

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Local information and communication infrastructures: models, results, perspectives. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3081 (2005) pp1-16

•       Makoto Tanabe, Peter Van den Besselaar, & Toru Ishida (eds.), Digital Cities 2, computational and sociological approaches. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2002. pp 1- 400. (LNCS 2362)

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Makoto Tanabe and Toru Ishida, Digital cities research – results and open issues. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2362 (2002) pp 1- 9.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, E-community versus e-commerce, the rise and decline of the Amsterdam Digital City. AI & Society; The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence 15 (2001) 280-288.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, The Digital City between public domain and market. Bit 33 (2001) 4 (March), 13-16. (In Japanese).

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Isabel Melis, Dennis Beckers, Digital cities: organization, content and use. In T. Ishida, K. Isbister, Digital cities, experiences, trends, and perspectives. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1765 (2000), p18-32.

•       Nishida, Toyoaki, Geoffrey Bowker, Peter van den Besselaar, et. al., Methodology for large scale experimentation. In Toru Ishida, Social Interaction and Communityware; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1519. Berlin, Springer, 1998. Pp 11-15.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Dennis Beckers, Demographics and Sociographics of a Virtual Community: the Amsterdam Digital City. In Toru Ishida, Social Interaction and Community-ware; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1519. Berlin, Springer, 1998. Pp 109-125.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Dennis Beckers, Sociale interactie in een virtuele omgeving: De Digitale Stad. In Informatie & Informatiebeleid 16 (1998) 4, 31-37.



E-government and E-voting


•       Anne-Marie Oostveen & Peter van den Besselaar , The Risks of Remote Electronic Voting: Non-technical reasons why the implementation of remote e-voting poses a real challenge for e-government. In: Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko & Mattia Malkia, The Encyclopedia of Digital Government. Hershey: Idea Group Inc. (2006). pp 1255-1260.

•       Anne-Marie Oostveen & Peter van den Besselaar, Trust, identity and the effects of voting technologies on voting behavior. Social Science Computing Review 23 (2005) pp304-311.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Anne-Marie Oostveen, Social experiments with electronic voting technology: a discussion of the social and political issues. In: Shin Dong Kim, E-Voting and Electronic Democracy. International Conference Seoul, March 17-18, 2005. pp. 55-69

•       Anne-Marie Oostveen & Peter van den Besselaar, Security as belief, user perceptions of the security of electronic voting systems. Lecture Notes in Informatics P47 (2004) pp. 88-97

•       Anne-Marie Oostveen & Peter van den Besselaar, Ask no questions, told no lies. Security of computer-based voting systems – user’s trust and perception. In Proceedings EICAR 2004, CD-Rom.

•       Anne-Marie Oostveen & Peter van den Besselaar, Internet voting systems and civic participation. Javnost – The Public 13 (2004) 1, pp. 61-78

•       Peter van den Besselaar and Anne-Marie Oostveen, E-voting is not neutral! In: Lecture Notes in Informatics P35 (2003), pp. 218-221.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Anne-Marie Oostveen, Fiorella De Cindio, Davide Ferrazzi, Experiments with e-voting: experiences and lessons. In: Paul Cunningham (ed.), Building the Knowledge Economy - Issues, Applications and Case Studies. Amsterdam: IOS-press, 2003.

•       Anne-Marie Oostveen & Peter van den Besselaar, The implications of internet voting on elections and civic participation. Proceedings Euricom, Amsterdam/Nijmegen, October 2002. CD-Rom

•       Annemarie Oostveen & Peter van den Besselaar, Linking databases and linking cultures; the complexity of concepts in international E-government. In: Beat Schmid, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Volker Tschammer, Towards the E-society: E-business, E-Commerce, and E-government. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. pp 765-774. 



Technology, work and employment


•       Peter van den Besselaar, Technologie, Sociale Structuur, Werkgelegenheid. In: R. Weehuizen, Toekomst@werk.nl Reflecties op Economie, Technologie en Arbeid. Den Haag, Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek, 2000. pp 144-159.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, The future of employment in the information society, a comparative and multi-level study. Journal of Information Science 23 (1997) pp 373-392.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Teresa Mom, Technological change, social innovation and employment. In: K. Gill et al (eds), Information Society: Media, Ethics, and Postmodernism.  London: Springer, 1996. pp 127-146.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Technologie en de kwalitatieve structuur van de werkgelegenheid. In:  Maurits Jan Vink, Marianne Volkers (red), Organisatieverandering en technologie. Utrecht, De Tijdstroom, 1996.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Technology, the future of our jobs and other justified concerns. In Chuck Huff (ed.), Computers and the Quality of Life. Proc ACM-Siccas 2nd CQL-symposium. ACM: New York, 1996. pp 49-57.

•       Teresa Mom & Peter van den Besselaar, Onbetaalde zorg gelijk verdeeld. In: Tijdschrift voor de Sociale Sector 50 (1996) 6.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Teresa Mom, Betaalde en onbetaalde arbeid, alternatieven vormen van participatie in de verzorgingsstaat. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 10 (1994) 2. pp 165-79.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Leidt automatisering tot beter werk? (review). Tijdschrift voor Politieke Economie 16 (1994) 2. pp 100-106.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Long term unemployment between technological change and policy options. In: Hans-Eckbert Treu, Piotr Salustowicz, Erich Oldenburg, Heinz Offe, Heinzer Neuser (eds) Theorie und Praxis der Bekδmpfung der Langzeitarbeidslosigkeit in der EG. Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag, 1994. pp 44-56.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Jelle Visser, Industrial relations developments in the telecommunication industry: the Dutch case. In: Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 25 (1993) pp. 97-184.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, National differences in the service employment: trends, causes and consequences. In: C.H.A. Verhaar, L.G. Jansma, M.P.M. de Goede, J.A.C. van Ophem, A. de Vries (eds) On the mysteries of unemployment. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. pp 48-69.

•       M. Alcaide Castro, P. van den Besselaar, L.M. Bόchner, L. Canu, G. Gabrielli, A. Lyon-Caen, S. Negrelli, J. Smith, M. Terry, T. Treu, J. Visser, Relazioni di lavoro e telecommunicazioni in Europa. Rome: Aisri / Franco Angeli, 1991. pp. 1-451.

•       Peter van den Besselaar & Jelle Visser, Il caso ollandese. In: M. Alcaide Castro et. al., Relazioni di lavoro e telecommunicazioni in Europa. Rome: Aisri / Franco Angeli, 1991. pp. 129-226.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Andrew Clement and Perttu Jδrvinen (eds). Information system, work and organization design. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company, 1991. pp. 1-339.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, De verschillende wegen in de postindustriλle samenleving. Tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken 7 (1991) 4. pp. 41-56.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Il caso PTT Telecom: le conclusioni della ricercia. Notiziaro del lavoro IX (1991) 46. pp.17-20

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Assessing the impacts of information technology on employment. In: J. Berleur, J. Drumm (eds), Information technology assessment. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company, 1991. pp. 233-244.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Informatietechnologie en werkgelegenheid, een geοntegreerde benadering. Informatie en informatiebeleid 8 (1990) 2. pp. 20-34.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Arbeid, kennis en kennistechnologie. Aangrijpingspunten voor technology assessment. In: H.J. van den Herik, AI-Toepassingen '89. Amsterdam: SIC, 1989. pp 503-516.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Werkgelegenheid in de informatiesamenleving. In: Amsterdam tussen informatica en werkloosheid. ARIT/NOTA: Amsterdam 15 juni 1989. pp. 35-60.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Technologische innovatie, arbeidsuitstoot en compenserende effecten. Tijdschrift voor politieke economie 11 (1988) 1, pp. 830.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Werkgelegenheid in de informatiesamenleving.Amsterdam: SWI, 1988. 140pp.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Aad Ruiter, Kansen voor ATV. Tijdschrift voor politieke ekonomie 9 (1985) 2. p122-130  

•       Peter Van den Besselaar & Aad Ruiter, Arbeidstijdverkorting, economische groei en stijging van de arbeidsproductiviteit. Tijdschrift voor politieke ekonomie 8 (1984) 2. p91-108.



Technology Assessment (various)


•       Peter van den Besselaar, Studies in social aspects of information technology. PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam. 1996. pp 160.

•       Werner Beuschel, Peter van den Besselaar, Lars Krogh and Rosalie Gowlland , The social organization of tele-learning in companies, a panel. In: Wanda J. Orlikowski, Geoff Walsham, Matthew R. Jones, Janice I. DeGross, Information technology and changes in organizational work. London: Chapmann & Hall, 1996. pp 419-422.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Individual responsibility or public debates? In A. Clement, M. Robinson, L. Suchman, I. Wagner, Proc. workshop on ethics and systems design: the politics of social responsibility. Habana, February 17-19, 1994. Vienna: Institut fuer Wirkungs und Gestaltungsforschung, Universitaet Wien, 1994. p. 1-5

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Social issues in networking, an architectural approach. A. Clement, P. Kolm, I. Wagner (eds), Proc. Conf. Opportunities and Risks of Networking. Vienna: Austrian Computer Society, 1993. pp 160-167.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Kennissystemen, maatschappelijke kansen en risico's. Den Haag: NOTA, 1991. 77 pp.

•       Peter van den Besselaar, Boudewijn Delmee, Martien van Goor en Bart Mispelblom Beyer, Wonen en werken in de stad van de toekomst; telematica en de ruimtelijke struktuur. Greiner/Zandvoort: Amsterdam, 1988. 66 pp.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Maatschappelijke aspecten van de informatica en het ontwerpen van technologie. In: Holvast, Luitjens, Popping (red), Informatiseren gegeven de mens. Amsterdam/Deventer: NGI/Kluwer, 1988. pp. 139-151.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Datacommunicatienetwerken en electronisch betalen. Privacy en registratie 11 (1986) 4.

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Regionale informaticastimulering en regionale technology assessment. In: Informatica de baas. Amsterdam: BIT, 1986.

•       (met anderen), Het Nationaal Betalingscircuit. Electronisch betalen, vloek of zegen? Amsterdam: NGI, 1983.





•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Wat is sociaal-wetenschappelijk verklaren? Krisis, tijdschrift voor filosofie 11, 3 (1983) 2. pp. 67-74

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Bespreking van Ch. Goossens, Empirische Rechtskritiek, Van  Gorcum, 1982. Krisis, tijdschrift voor filosofie 9, 2 (1982) 4. p91-93

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Idealisatie en concretisering. Kennis en methode 6, 2 (1982) 4. p350-367

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Inleiding en misleiding in de wetenschapsfilosofie. Bespreking van P. Wesly, Elementaire wetenschapsleer; Meppel: Boom, 1984. Krisis, tijdschrift voor filosofie 9, 2 (1982) 4. p88-90

•       Peter Van den Besselaar, Een reconstructie van het historisch materialisme? Krisis, tijdschrift voor filosofie 1, 1 (1981) 5, pp.72-82